A lot of shoes, low prices, free shipping, what is the trap?

A post by Adam TALL, MSc student in Digital Marketing @KEDGE Business School.

Which girl would not dream of this? A closet full of bags, purses, heels, boots, sandals, ballet shoes. What would be perfect would be to have all this at a low price. Right, ladies?

Some people would argue that it is a dream that will never come true. Well, you are mistaken, JUSTFAB made your dream come true, girls. Maybe it will be nightmare after, but at the beginning, it’s a dream. JUSTFAB includes:

  • Pair of shoes for all type of occasionsTALL 1
  • Lower prices
  • Free deliveries
  • Easy access to services
  • Easy registrations

You’ve got to admit they set up the bar high for us ladies.

All this can only make us dream, right?

The thing is you need to be careful about what you see. Having a “face full of make-up” is a must nowadays. You need to seek for what is hidden behind these layers. Many people saw the true colors of JUSTFAB, and I can confirm that it is not pleasant to discover that a same face when cleaned up could be totally different from the one with tons of make-up.

When you log in for the first time on the JUSTFAB website and you make your first order, everything seems so simple, I would even say a little bit too simple. Your order is confirmed and delivered on time, your shoes look like the one you chose online and life is beautiful.

However, when signing in, were you told that you were subscribing to JUSTFAB? Did you pay attention to that clause mentioning that your bank account will be debited 39, 95€ every month?

Your dream could become a nightmare:

Every month JUSTFAB will be taking 39, 95€ from your bank account. From their point of view, you have to buy a shoes every month. Right it’s nice, but what if we do not want it? If we cannot afford to pay 39, 95€ every month for one reason or another?

On the website they mentioned that you are able to cancel this option at any time. You have to login every month and cancel it before the fifth of every month. If you forget they will debit 39, 95 euro from your bank account, and unfortunately they will never return this money.

Some girls have tried to unsubscribe the offer but then they met a way less pleasant customer service.

The question to be asked is: Where is the community manager of Justfab?

Most of the customers that have sent an email to the customer service received as answer that they could unfortunately not return the money due to reasons that they do not state in their mails.

How could a customer service be so unscrupulous? Where is the customer value? How could JUSTFAB keep his customer’s loyalty and trust with the way they treat them?

This is a very unpleasant customer experience and of course, as the customers share their experiences, JUSTFAB often loses a large number of customers.


Some of the customers are badly reacting on JUSTFAB’s social media and the notoriety of JUSTFAB is rapidly decreasing due to the not so good customer’s experiences. We are not here to judge them but to create instead an awareness among the customers.

If you think that those practices are acceptable, nobody will judge you but, do you think it is fair to be credited 39, 95 euro every month without your approval? Do you think that it is fair to be forced to buy shoes every month in the same shop?

Think about it, and don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know your point of view.


Great customer experience at Zappos

A post by M’Boh ASSOUMA, MSc student in Digital Marketing @KEDGE Business School.


This story is about Channel. Channel has been a Zappos customer for a long time. She like them, she trust them and she love the fact that she can order something, and if she doesn’t like it she doesn’t have to jump through a gazillion hoops in order to return it. This is especially helpful if you have a slight shoe addiction.

On Monday, she lost her favorite sunglasses. She was at the beach and needed sunglasses. She could have hunted all over the island for someplace that sold them, but that would’ve cut into her happy time. Priorities, people.

Instead, she logged onto Zappos at 4pm the day of her unfortunate wave diving incident, and ordered a replacement pair. As soon as she hit “buy” she realized she hadn’t selected expedited delivery (which was an extra $15-25) and thought that was a stupid move on her part. She can’t swim without wearing contacts, and if she is wearing contacts, she really needs sunglasses. Surely that’s worth an extra $25, right? She immediately called Zappos’ customer service number to modify her purchase. The nice rep  she got took just a minute to look up her account and said, “Well, Channel, even though you didn’t order expedited delivery, you’re a VIP customer. We upgraded you as soon as we got the order, free of charge.” Free. Expedited. Delivery. Without asking for it. Without paying for it.

She asked when it would ship and he said that it would ship on Tuesday (since the order was received late in the day) and that it would arrive on Wednesday. Perfect.

The next morning – one day later — she got up and went out for a bike ride and breakfast. When she got back to the house at a little before Noon, there was a Zappos box on the front step.

That’s not only expedited delivery, it’s how did they make this happen so fast, ridiculously awesome delivery.

Based on Channel experienc,e we have two characteristics to make great customers experience.

1-Confidence: Based on her history the company made the delivery without getting delivery cost.

2-Right moment: They deliver the product a the right moment as the know what were happened to the customer.

Then to make a good customer experience company should be able to anticipate the right moment to provide a great experience for the customer. 


Introducing: the KEDGE students guest blog series

For the first time since the inception of this blog, I’m going to host not only one guest blogger, but  15 of them!

What?guest blogger blog blogging contribution marketing

As a professor at KEDGE Business School in Bordeaux, France, and I am teaching on the digital marketing specialisation in our Msc programme. Within our “digital customer experience”, course kicking off today, I’m inviting my students to contribute to this blog with a guest post each.


It think it’s important for a future marketer to learn to produce quality content for a vast audience. It’s also part of a student’s job to articulate critical ideas and be able to share them convincingly. The point of this series of guest posts is getting the students out of their zone of comfort and providing them a friendly, yet professional outlet to do so.

How will it work?

Student will write on a topic of their choice, related to customer experiences. I’ll post the work and they will then promote it.  At the end, they will peer-assess each other’s work and this will count toward their final grade.

I am really excited to see their output and share it with you, which will come out in March and April.

Stay tuned for 15 insightful, smart and fresh posts from my students! They’ll be waiting for your support and tons of shares and comments to get their grades up, so watch this space!

Photo credits: huffingtonpost.com